Coffee drinking is now being linked to development of heart diseases. Many studies were conducted to prove the relation of coffee intake and heart diseases. According to the Harvard Women's Health Watch, drinking coffee moderately does not pose health risks to the coffee drinker. The debate on the effects of the caffeine content in coffee to development of heart diseases is still under scrutiny. No studies have directly given evidence that coffee especially the caffeinated coffees contribute to risk of heart disease. On the other hand, drinking coffee has deemed helpful for some because of its health benefits. Studies show that drinking coffee can:
* reduces the risks of Type 2 Diabetes
* minimize the development of gallstones because coffees are natural diuretics
* improve cognitive function
* Provide stamina and endurance in performing daily activities with long duration.
Experts advice that while no proofs has been submitted to directly prove the relationship of coffee drinking and development of heart disease, we have to drink coffee in moderation everyday because we do not have any idea what dangers can happen if we take too much. We all know that too much of something is not good. Coffee contains caffeine which is a mild and addictive stimulant. When taken in excess, the caffeine stimulates cardiovascular effects such as increased heart rate, occasional irregular heartbeats and mild palpitations. Take note, these stimulants are addictive so we may not notice that we have been drinking too much of it until such time that we start to feel uncomfortable due to the side effects.
Yet there are available blends of coffees in the market that has healthy benefits. These are not the pure coffee loaded with caffeine but rather the less caffeinated coffees with the blend of natural herbs or spices. Natural herbs are good for our body because it poses less harmful side effects. The uses of herbs date back to the ancient traditional Chinese medicine and, no doubt herbs have healthy and healing properties. Some herbs blended to coffees that are good for the body are Ganoderma herbs, Ginger, Ginko Biloba, and many more. These traditional herbs have healthy benefits like lowering blood sugar, lowering blood pressure and provide protection from developing heart diseases.
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