Jumat, 26 Februari 2010
Hemorrhoids Home Treatment - 3 Ways to Prevent and Cure Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids come because of strain on the blood vessels around the anus. This can happen during pregnancy, heavy lifting, during a time of constipation, or it can be a chronic condition.
For most sufferers, and we are told that nearly 50% of the adult population will get hemorrhoids at some time, hemorrhoids will come and go without major symptoms. For others it is not so easy - perhaps they will not treat the hemorrhoids soon enough and they will become serious - pain, bleeding, and anal leakage. Embarrassment enters in and the suffering becomes not only physical but emotional. The sufferer may feel he cannot properly clean himself and avoid company.
Always seek medical advice, but here are some tips for you. Practice these early and nip hemorrhoids in the bud.
If you are having trouble cleaning yourself, use Witch Hazel and pour a little on your toilet paper. This will not only help clean but Witch Hazel is an astringent which means it will help shrink the hemorrhoids. Witch Hazel is available for a couple of bucks at almost all pharmacy's.
Sitz Baths - get some Epsom Salts and dissolve 2 cups in a shallow bath of warm water (there are also attachments for your toilet). Sit in the water with your knees up to your chest so that your buttocks open and allow the water to soothe the hemorrhoids. Soak 10 to 20 minutes several times a day.
Increase fiber in your diet. This means vegetables and fruits - there is no better source. Begin by adding a red apple a day. There is not a truer saying than "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." Apples are a great source not only of fiber but also of the kinds of nutrients that will reinforce the blood vessels all over your body. The fiber will soften the stools, the nutrition will strengthen the vessels around the anus.
Remember to keep the area dry and clean and get that fiber up. Civilization has brought on many medical conditions in our lives and hemorrhoids is just one. Adding fiber and nutrients back into your diet goes a long way toward prevention of this painful, depressing condition. Seek your doctor's advice but effective home treatment of hemorrhoids is possible and is done all the time.
Get hemorrhoids out of your life with effective hemorrhoids home treatment. Take action at the earliest symptoms and avoid the pain and embarrassment that hemorrhoid sufferers endure. Visit http://www.NaturalHemorrhoidTreatment.org for more tips and information to cure your hemorrhoids.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Renee_Pullman
When Good Bugs Go Bad
When Good Bugs Go Bad
Small bowel overgrowth (SBO) is a condition of the small intestine that allows too many bacteria, typically Lactobacillus, to develop and thrive. "So what", you ask? Well the "so what" is that Lactobacillus bacteria are not welcome in that area. They compete with the host (that would be you) for food and the bacteria typically win the fight. Remember that bully in grade school who would always swipe your PB&J from you? You got pretty hungry by the end of the day didn't you? It's like that with SBO because if the bacteria eat your lunch repeatedly you run the risk of malnutrition and a host of unpleasant symptoms.
The small intestine is where the digestion and absorption of your food occurs. Digestion breaks down your meals into the basic carbohydrate, fat and protein macronutrients that a healthy body needs to function at optimum efficiency. As food moves from the early part of the small intestine (duodenum) thru the middle (jejunum) and latter parts of the small intestine (ileum), the bacteria increase from relatively small numbers until they reach their highest levels in the large intestine, the colon. In the small intestine, enzymes, acids, hormones and other chemicals manufactured by the body are added to the food mixture (now called chyme) and are there to help digestion and absorption. The presence of these digestive juices, especially the acid, is why only a few bacteria would be expected to be found in a healthy small intestine.
The colon is where all the unusable material from your food is collected and where the bacteria are most numerous. The water content of this material is about ¾ of the total mass. Of the remaining ¼, approximately 30% is bacteria by weight. The bacteria would include the lactobacillus and other probiotic species as well as approximately 400 other species. The weight of all the bacteria in the gut is about 15 pounds. The large intestine is where the bacteria belong.
The beneficial effects of this large biomass on human health cannot be underestimated. The bacteria promote a cleaning of the intestinal cells, manufacture some vitamins like riboflavin, thiamine, B-12, and, perhaps most importantly, produce vitamin K, which is important in blood clotting and bone formation. Short chain fatty acids (used as a fuel for colonic cells) are also produced. The downside of all this bacterial activity is the amount of toxic waste produced while the bacteria work for us. If the toxins build up, it definitely would qualify as a Superfund site.
In a normally healthy gut, when intestinal cells are functioning in an optimal fashion, the cells are able to absorb the bacterial toxins and neutralize them directly or pass them on to other sites in the body for detoxification. We get sick when the cells and body can no longer neutralize the poisons such as when pathogenic bacteria are present in overwhelming numbers (Montezuma's Revenge) or when the normal ratio of "good versus bad" bacteria is altered (dysbiosis). If the toxins accumulate without control, and the acid/base balance in the colon is significantly altered and disrupted, serious diseases like cancer can result.
We see a decrease in the numbers of the good bacteria, and the development of dysbiosis, in those cases where there is an overuse of antibiotics, antacids, NSAIDs, poor diet, lack of proper nutrition, stress, or in association with hidden food allergies. When colonic dysbiosis occurs, the symptoms you see would include the typical non-specific bloating, gas, diarrhea (sometimes constipation), nausea, and general malaise. There are instances in gut ecology where, because of changes in the intestinal environment, bacterial populations, especially the probiotic Lactobacillus, can migrate into the small intestine. Environmental changes in the gut can happen because of aging when gastric acid production is in decline. As the stomach acid reduces more Lactobacillus survive the journey thru the stomach and into the upper gut and it is easier for them to thrive there. The elderly are more prone to SBO than a younger population and, as a result, develop more issues with nutritional deficiencies. Environmental changes can also happen in cases of pancreatic insufficiency with diseases like pancreatitis or liver diseases like hepatitis. Diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, Crohn's Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, intestinal surgeries and Scleroderma are also suspected of contributing to SBO.
When SBO occurs, the symptoms would include the typical non-specific findings of bloating, gas, diarrhea, nausea, and general malaise. Sound familiar? The symptoms are pretty much the same as you would see in colonic dysbiosis and even in Irritable Bowel Syndrome or a Candida overgrowth. In addition, severe cases of SBO can lead indirectly to malnutrition by decreasing the intestine's ability to digest fats and, ultimately, proteins and carbohydrates. With severe, chronic SBO we also see weight loss, B-12 deficiency induced anemia, bone softening, and impaired night vision as the body fails to absorb vitamins because of the diarrhea. In fact chronic diarrhea is considered to be the hallmark of SBO. A recent study in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology show SBO to be the causative factor of chronic diarrhea in up to 67% of reported cases. In another study in the same journal 48% of cases were diagnosed with SBO. A separate study showed that up to 83% of patients diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome had SBO instead. SBO is definitely good bugs gone bad.
So how do you know if you have SBO? How is it diagnosed? More importantly, if you have it what do you do about it? If you have the symptoms described above and these symptoms have persisted for more than several weeks you should see a physician who is familiar with functional testing. As its name implies, functional testing refers to lab testing that helps determine the function and interplay of a total organ system rather than an isolated portion of that system. Functional tests ask the question "Why"! Traditional testing asks "What"! When you ask "what" is wrong, it only allows for symptom management. If you ask "why" it's wrong, it allows for the complete management of the cause of the symptoms.
There are several types of functional tests important in SBO. One invasive procedure cultures a bacterial sample taken directly from the contents of the duodenum. Stool microbiology offered by some labs identifies an overgrowth of bacteria by direct observation of the bacteria cultured from a stool sample. There is also a breath test that identifies, indirectly, the metabolic waste of the bacteria. Lastly, your doctor can order an evaluation of your urine collected first thing in the morning. This test looks directly at the waste products given off by the bacteria. If SBO is present, several of these waste products will be elevated.
Once diagnosed, your physician can then determine the next steps to take. You certainly don't want to take Lactobacillus containing probiotic supplements until the overgrowth is controlled. You're simply feeding the fire if you do. In some severe cases, antibiotics may be necessary to control SBO. In less severe cases the natural compound approach may be best. This could include various bactericidal herbs like Oregano, Goldenseal, and Garlic. Adding digestive aids like proteolytics, pancreatic enzymes as well as Betaine HCl may be of benefit. Changing your diet to exclude Lacto-fermented and "aged" foods temporarily as well as reducing high glycemic carbohydrates would be advised. It would be important to resolve the underlying cause for the overgrowth if possible. If the condition that allowed the overgrowth to occur in the first place is not considered then the above dietary changes will only offer temporary relief. After the overgrowth is reduced to normal and the causative factors are controlled, it's OK, and advisable, to return the fermented foods and probiotics back into your diet.
So while you may not have heard a lot about SBO, it does mask itself as several other conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Candida, contributes to the symptom picture in many other conditions, and its proper control can certainly make your life a lot easier.
Robert L. Lawrence, MEd, DC, DACBN
Dr. Lawrence maintains a nutrition practice in Lake Worth, Florida. He also serves on the Scientific Advisory Board of Garden of Life whole food supplements. A former instructor at the National University of Health Sciences, he has also served as a consultant in Functional Medicine and Diagnostic Laboratory Testing. Dr. Lawrence has completed an extensive post-doctoral course of study on "Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice" through The Institute of Functional Medicine. He holds degrees in Science Education, Chiropractic Medicine, Clinical Nutrition and is a Diplomate of the American Clinical Board of Nutrition.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Lee_Lawrence
Facts About Gallbladder Disease
Gallbladder disease is one of the leading causes of problems with digestion that result in hospital admissions. Did you know that around 10% of the population (on average) in most Western countries has gallstones? Most of these are "silent" but about 4% of patients with stones develop symptoms each year. For about half of them, the symptoms reoccur within 12 months. More men than women suffer from acute gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis), whereas more women than men experience gallstones (men have more kidney stones), and married women with children have more gallstones than unmarried women. The term "gallbladder disease" is in one sense a misnomer, for it is the liver, bile ducts and gallbladder that form the system that enables your body to digest fats and all are likely to participate in gallbladder problems.
I have always said that doctors generally see health problems as conditions with symptoms requiring drugs, whereas surgeons see health problems as conditions requiring the knife, and when a patient is admitted with abdominal discomfort surgeons are often keen to remove the gall bladder as it is believed that it 'serves very little purpose' and that the patient can "live comfortably without it". This is a ridiculous and very untrue notion however, and I want you to think twice about having your gallbladder removed, because over half of people I have seen who had their gallbladder removed still had the same digestive problem they started with in the first place unresolved, yet now without their gallbladder. Once it is out that is it, it does serve a purpose like every organ you were born with and having your gallbladder removed will affect your health to some degree. For some patients, the removal of their gallbladder had a major consequence on their health down the track. For others, it was a minor consequence.
A surgeon I once spoke to many years ago mentioned that the gallbladder operation was one frequently performed in larger hospitals by the younger surgeon to "bring them up to speed" in the operating room. He said that it was a relatively easy operation lasting from thirty to forty minutes enabling them to gain surgical experience before they move onto "bigger and better things" as far as abdominal surgery is concerned. I can't help wondering if all the gallbladder operations performed are really that necessary, because they are so quick to take it out these days. The apprentice mechanic will first be introduced to the engine by learning to replace the spark plugs before he is allowed to work deeper into the engine. If the plugs were removed, carefully cleaned and then replaced they generally last a long time. But then again, today more than half the stuff we buy is made in China and it is "chucked" as soon as it is even slightly defective!
What is the gallbladder's function?
Your gall bladder's main function is to collect and concentrate bile produced by the liver that the body uses to digest fats. Think of bile a bit like you would dishwashing liquid. Have you ever tried to wash dishes with fat or grease on them in water without dishwashing liquid? Not really effective is it? Not at least until you squirt a little dishwashing liquid into the warm water then they are clean in no time. Your gallbladder makes plenty of its own type of "degreasing liquid" called bile. Bile becomes up to twelve times more concentrated in the gallbladder (and hence much more effective) than it was in your liver. Think about this, with your gallbladder gone, your liver now has to produce, store and secrete bile. It can do this but not as effectively as it can without that little purse called the gallbladder hanging by its side.
The liver makes between 600 - 900 mls of bile each day, and what is not sent during meals to the duodenum (beginning of your small bowel) directly via the liver's main duct to emulsify fat, it is diverted through a smaller duct (branching off the main liver duct) to the gallbladder for storage until required. When fat in a meal reaches the duodenum (where most of the food you eat is digested and absorbed), hormones enter the circulation and along with nerve signals, stimulate the gallbladder to contract. This contraction, assisted by the small intestine's contractions, induces the gallbladder's small round muscle and the stored bile is propelled into the duodenum where it mixes with food from your stomach and pancreatic juices from the pancreas by way of the pancreatic duct. If you eat a fairly fatty meal (fish and chips for example) your gallbladder can empty completely within one hour. It is this combination of bile and fats that can make one feel "queasy" at times after a fatty meal.
Bile itself is made up of water, salts, fatty acids, lecithin, cholesterol, bilirubin, and mucus and has two main functions. The first function is to help in the absorption and digestion of fats, and the second to eliminate certain waste products from the body, especially excess cholesterol and the haemoglobin from worn out red blood cells, which have an average lifespan of 3 months.
In particular, the bile
(1) increases the solubility of fat-soluble vitamins, fats and cholesterol to assist in their absorption,
(2) stimulates secretion of water by the colon to help move its contents along,
(3) is a medium for excretion of bilirubin (the chief bile pigment) as a waste product of destroyed red blood cells, other waste products, medical drugs and their degradation products, and other toxins.
Bile salts are in fact re-absorbed into the small intestine, and re-secreted into the bile after extraction by the liver. All bile salts in the body re-circulate some 10 to 12 times a day by means of this so- called enterohepatic circulation. In each circulation small amounts of bile salts enter the colon where bacteria break them down for excretion with the feces.
Who is the greatest at risk of gallstones?
oFemale gender: women outnumber men at least 2:1.
oFamily history
oForty or more years of age
o3 children or more
oDiet: low calorie, low cholesterol, low fat. (especially a diet like this after a diet high in fat)
oDiet: previously high in refined carbs, alcohol, chocolate, chips, etc.
oHigh cholesterol history
oConstipation history
oRapid weight loss
oFood allergy history
oDehydration due to not enough water
oLiver problems like cirrhosis or past hepatitis infection
oSensitive to penicillin antibiotics
Signs and symptoms of gallbladder problems
I have seen many women in the clinic who have for years on and off never felt quite well in terms of their digestion. Many have experienced a low grade ill feeling, a digestive discomfort which was put down to indigestion, constipation or diarrhoea or even a "grumbling appendix". They go on for years and years with digestive symptoms and never realise that they may be related to a gallbladder problem. That's because they are so inter-related with other digestive symptoms and too easy for their doctor to say: "You are fine; there is nothing to worry about". Constipation is one of the most commonly missed complaints, and so is farting. Don't be embarrassed here, we all fart, some men (and plenty of smallish children) enjoy boasting about it but women do it too and are generally totally embarrassed. Flatus is most common in bed when you first lie down, during the night or when you get up. This is because your bowel changes its position and gas more easily escapes through the anus with the large intestine in a horizontal rather than in a vertical position. Don't laugh, but do you sometimes feel fat, frumpy and farty and at times "sicky" after eating a fatty meal like fish and chips or chocolate? Does your partner joke about how much you "let off"? Then you may very well have a gallbladder issue.
The Four F's
Have you heard about the four f's? We learn when we study medicine that women who are "fat, fertile, forty and flatulent" are often the gallbladder girls. They are much more prone to having gallstones or a sluggish liver and gallbladder. The following list provided here may be related to gallbladder but please bear in mind that it could also be something else. The first four symptoms mentioned are the most indicative of gallbladder issues. It is not necessary to have all or many symptoms to have gallbladder problems but the more you have from this list, the more confirmation you have that your gallbladder is involved. Please note that it is still advisable to consult your GP for an accurate diagnosis.
Signs and symptoms of impending gallbladder problems
(If you answered yes to the first four (with an asterisk) go to your health-care professional for a more accurate diagnosis.)
o Pain or tenderness under the rib cage on the right side, could be central too*
o Pain between shoulder blades, central but could be under the shoulder blades*
o Stools light or chalky colored*
o Indigestion after eating, especially fatty or greasy foods*
o History of gallstones or gallbladder removal in your family
o Weight gain after recent digestive troubles or after gallbladder removal
o Frequent use of antacids
o Nausea
o Dizziness
o Bloating
o Farting
o Burping or belching up gas easily after meals
o Feeling of fullness or food not digesting
o Diarrhea (or alternating from soft to firm)
o Constipation (or simply skipping a day here or there)
o Headache over eyes, especially right
o Bitter fluid comes up after eating, could be a slight reflux and very subtle
o Frequent use of laxatives
Being big is actually in itself a big risk factor in gallbladder problems, and women with a BMI (body mass index) of 30 or greater are more than double at risk than women who have a BMI of 25 or less. Although a decrease in weight reduces the risk of gallstone formation, there is a 15 to 25 percent increase in gallstone formation during or immediately following weight loss! I have seen this with several patients over the years; they have lost weight and are proud of if only to experience digestive problems and then a bad bout of pain within twelve to eighteen months after the weight loss. A major heart study in America discovered that women with Type 2 Diabetes were almost twice as likely (41.8 percent versus 23.1 percent) that non diabetics to have gallstones, and the risk was highest amongst the 30 to 59yr old group.
I always ask a person these standard questions when they come in with a (suspected) gallbladder dysfunction - "Did you loose weight recently, say in the past two years?" "Have you been on a fat free diet lately?" "What kind of foods/drinks do you like to habitually have?" By asking the right questions, you would be surprised how many will actually tell you what is wrong with them, and their answers can point right to the heart of the problem.
In my observation, the main factors leading to gallbladder attacks and dysfunction are obesity (and rapid weight loss (for example1 pound a week); "fat-free" diets are especially bad. Poor dietary habits - especially too many fatty and fried foods, alcohol, too much dairy food like cheeses and full cream milk, refined sugars and starches, high protein foods (in excess), food allergies, parasites, long-term use of birth control pills, and a sedentary (couch potato) lifestyle. The Atkins diet craze caused a lot of gallbladder problems, for example. Once these factors are operating, bile produced in the liver and flowing through the biliary ducts into the gallbladder becomes too thick, the bile ducts may then become obstructed, gravel and stones may form (90% of all gallstones are cholesterol), and the whole biliary system may become clogged. Other causative factors include insufficient water consumption, a weak immune system (increases likelihood of infection in the gallbladder), as well as diabetes and various liver diseases.
Prevention of gallbladder problems lies in controlling obesity, diet and adequate intake of consuming water, and the use of appropriate physical exercise. Louise Hay, an interesting lady who wrote the famous book "Heal Your Life" way back in 1976 with regard to how emotions can trigger physical problems, mentions that anger, aggressiveness, and bitterness can result in gallbladder problems. Keeping the immune system strong and the liver and small intestine healthy is very important too. Let's look now at some non-medical alternatives once gallbladder problems are evident, and also how to prevent this problem in the first instance.
Food allergies
Often finding and eliminating food allergies can stop frequent attacks of gallbladder pain and prevent unnecessary surgical removal. In one study, avoidance of allergens relieved symptoms in 100% of 69 patients with symptomatic gallstones or post-cholecystectomy (after the operation) syndrome (uncontrolled trial commented on by Dr. Alan Gaby, USA). I'm not convinced just testing for antibodies in terms of food allergies is the way to go, try also: muscle testing, you may know somebody who does do electro-dermal testing. Either way, try going on an elimination or allergy diet, it may be the answer to your problems.
For recurring gallbladder pain - suspect food allergies in just about 100% of patients. On average I find that they are reactive to 4 or 5 foods, and according to Dr. Jonathon Wright, one of America's most experienced natural medicine doctors, egg is generally always one of the prime food allergens involved. There are over 800,000 cholecystectomies (gallbladder operations) performed in USA per annum, they cost $5,000 US to perform. If you do the math here, effective preventative natural medicine treatment could spare 4 billion US dollars with gallbladder conditions alone. I can imagine how many of the operations are performed needlessly in NZ each year, and it is truely amazing how many people I have seen who have their gallbladder out only to find that it did not fix up the problem they originally went to the doctor for in the first place.
Other medical methods of handling gallstones in the gallbladder include attempts to fragment them with sonic shock waves (lithotripsy). Of course there are other times when surgery may become necessary, such as in perforation of the gallbladder (often from gangrene) or where for example non-benign tumours and cancers are present. All this is what I call "crisis medicine," so common in the orthodox medical procedures used in the hospital system. Does it not make sense to prevent a gallbladder condition in the first place rather than waiting for disaster to strike and then to take action?
How is your back? See your Chiropractor; you may have mid-thoracic vertebral subluxations. If you have back issues, your fourth thoracic vertebrae may a bit "dodgey", you could be looking at a subluxations which means a slight dislocation (misalignment) or biomechanical malfunctioning of the vertebrae (the bones of the spine). These disturbances may irritate nerve roots and the blood vessels which branch off from the spinal cord between each of the vertebrae, and if this is what is happening around the middle of your back it could be affecting your gallbladder.
Gallbladder removed? - take bile salts
I always recommend that a patient who has had their gallbladder removed take bile salts (digestive enzymes) because fats & oils are not properly digested and absorbed by these folk. I always give bile salts when I give them fish-oil, or Vitamin A. Digestive enzymes are essential for those who have had their gallbladder removed, they will feel a lot better for taking them regularly. Their digestion will improve, their bowels will work better and they will feel less full and bloated. For patients who do not improve their diet following surgical removal of the gallbladder the removal leaves the person with an increased risk of colon cancer. Although fast relief of some symptoms can follow this surgery, the relief is often short-lived and the basic causes are still present. If you have lost your gallbladder, the regular use of bile salts at the start of meals can help substantially, including better processing of the fat-soluble essential nutrients such as essential fatty acids and vitamins A, D, E, and K. Probably the best way to tell if you are using enough bile salts is to monitor the colour of the stool. If the colour is lighter than the normal brown colour, or is even a light beige or yellow, this implies insufficient bile flow; with it's under absorption of essential nutrients, and a need for more bile salts. Such a need for more bile salts will be greater after a meal with greater amounts of fats and oils. Talk to your Naturopath more here, he or she can recommend a product which should work well. I generally find that the digestive enzymes prescribed by your Naturopath to be stronger and much more effective than the retail (health-food shop) products. That is why they are classified as "practitioner-only" products.
Useful herbal supplements with liver & gallbladder complaints: Swedish bitters, milk thistle, chamomile, peppermint, greater celandine, gymnema, gravel root, dandelion leaf & root, chicory, rhubarb, burdock, cramp bark, ginger root, fennel, and turmeric.
Homeopathic medicine: one of the most specific homeopathic medicines is Chelidonium 30C, and I recommend this remedy for patients who complain of right-sided pains radiating through the back, pains radiating to the right shoulder blade region. It is mainly thought of as a liver remedy, but I find it fantastic for gallbladder disorders as well.
Eliminate refined sugar and other refined carbohydrates, because it is these foods which in particular increases the cholesterol saturation of bile. Gallbladder problems don't generally happen in under developed countries, they are a phenomenon of the Western developed world. We call these sorts of health problems the "diseases of modern civilisation". You will find that our Western diet is the highly refined one, most people eat foods from the supermarket and our diets are the ones high in the refined sugars, starches and flours.
Foods and drinks to strictly avoid One of the worst beverages to drink with gallbladder issues is coffee whether decaffeinated or not, it aggravates symptoms by causing the gallbladder to contract along with sugar. So, sugar and coffee is not a good idea! I also tell patients to avoid chocolate, deep fried foods and saturated animal fats in general. Most tell me that they cannot tolerate these foods anyway, so listen to your body and avoid what makes you feel unwell or sick.
Gallbladder foods which have a particular favourable effect include beetroot, Brussels sprouts, fennel, sauerkraut, parsley, artichokes, pears, granny smith apples and the bitter foods such as rocket, endive, chicory, and capers.
Consume a little olive oil daily One way to prevent build-up of gallstones is to eat some oil, particularly extra virgin olive oil, daily; this encourages the gallbladder to contract and to daily "sand dump" its contents into the small intestine, preventing sludge from accumulating and forming gallstones.
Warm castor oil packs. All you need is 200ml castor oil (try the chemist or supermarket), and old saucepan, an old cloth, and an old towel. Just warm the old cloth in the pot of oil until it is quite warm, squeeze it out and apply it over the region of the gallbladder - central a little to the right just near where your ribcage finishes. Cover with the old towel, place a hot water bottle on top for added warmth and lie down for fifteen to twenty minutes, then rub the area for 2 minutes with an ice cube in a cloth-repeat 3 times once daily for a week can sometimes dislodge gallstones, and is especially a powerful treatment if used in conjunction with the flush and dietary approach. Careful with castor oil, it can stain.
Liver and gallbladder flush: there are many different gallbladder and liver flushes that will work if you have had recurrent gallbladder problems and your diet has been typically Kiwi. You really need to work in with your health-care professional like your naturopath here. I have guided many patients through this procedure the past twenty years and have never experienced a problem, and to be honest have very rarely found somebody with a "gallstone too big to pass" as some may fear.
For a gallbladder "attack" try these recipes
Here are a couple of tips to try with acute pain, if the pain doesn't subside, seek medical opinion.
o Drink 1 tbsp of apple cider in a glass of apple juice (warmed). This should relieve the pain quickly.
o In a small glass add ¼ tsp turmeric, ¼ tsp cumin, and ½ tsp Manuka honey - top with boiling water, stir to dissolve and mix together, drink when warm. Take: 3 times a day.
o Citrus tea: have 3 glasses daily of tea made by boiling for 20 minutes in water the rind of a grapefruit.
Recommendations stopping future gallbladder attacks
1. Each morning, drink a "gallbladder attack flush"; 300mls Apple juice (or dilute with water), 3 cloves of raw finely chopped garlic, 1-2 inches of raw finely chopped ginger root, mix well in blender. This drink helps soften sludge and helps prepare your gallbladder to dump rubbish.
2.Liver & gallbladder flush. One simple flush is to drink 3 Tbs of extra-virgin olive oil with the juice of a lemon before retiring and on awakening for at least 3 days, or until no more stones pass. I have other flushes but tend to use them in a consultation with the patient only. This is one procedure in my opinion you are best not to do yourself at home without any guidance, but get the advice from a qualified Naturopath, preferably one with experience in this area.
3.Eat a well balanced diet of 50% raw or partially steamed foods and fresh juices, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts/seeds. This low saturated fat, high fiber diet is a must for healing gallbladder disorders. Flaxseed and olive oil are great additions to your diet for repair and prevention of gallstones. Bitter foods (see below) are a great addition, and will help prevent a build up in future. The two top foods to consume? - Lemon juice and olive oil.
4.Increased your intake of Vitamin C can help with gallbladder ailments. Replenish your vitamin C stores by eating plenty of vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Good sources include capsicums (red/green/yellow), berries, lemons, and broccoli/green leafy veg. I recommend a high grade Vitamin C powder daily for the prevention and maintenance of many conditions in the body.
5.Herbal detoxification products may be helpful in stopping and reversing a gallbladder attack. I suggest using formulas that use organic, whole herbs. There are some excellent products available, just ask your herbalist or naturopath.
3 tips for after the gallstones have passed
o Dr. Dick Versendaal, a Chiropractor from America recommends his "carotid-umbilicus technique". For the best results, it is to used every 15 minutes for 1-3 hours as follows (it's easier if someone else does it on you than you try to do it yourself ): using the index finger, apply a steady pressure into the belly button for 5 minutes, such as to depress the belly button 1-1 ½ inches (but avoiding pain). Do this once a day for up to 12 weeks after the stones are passed, it will help your gallbladder a lot.
o Firm rubbing for at least 30 seconds1-2 times a day of the neuro-lymphatic reflexes (these points may feel quite tender if you have gallbladder issues) between ribs 3 and 4, and ribs 4 and 5, just to each side of the breastbone, and between ribs 5 and 6 just under the nipple of the right breast can be quite helpful.
o Also softly holding (not pressing or rubbing) for at least one minute the neurovascular reflexes at the anterior fontanel (front of head the baby's soft spot near crown of head- locate at tip of middle finger when the wrist crease of either hand is placed on the eye brows and the middle finger extended onto the midline of the skull) and at the hairline on the forehead directly above the outer corner of each eye. Look for the "tender spots", you will find them.
For more information about Eric Bakker ND please visit http://www.naturopath.co.nz
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eric_Bakker_ND
How Fungus Spreads and How to Treat It
If you left untreated, the longer you wait, nail fungus can spread out to other hand or toes of body. this may get serious health risks. Most of people do not know how to deal with this.many people just let it spread and develop simply. Actually it is not difficult to remove fingernail fungus. To protect yourself, try to know the facts and the fiction on fungus.
Most people thing that fingernail fungus is the result of poor hygiene and this poor hygiene encouraged the spread of the disease. which let sufferers an undeserved social stigma. The truth is that you can not remove fungus by washing, scrubbing or using any kind of cleansing regimen. The reason that you gotten started because bacterial infections may from others who has skin and nail problems. You may think use soap to eliminate fingernail fungus. However, this does not works. To eliminate fingernail fungus, you need to kick your immune system into high gear.
Another common reason is that you will catch fingernail fungus by going to a communal area where bare feet are exposed, such as public swimming poor, public shower, school gymnasium, or a locker room where fungus may attack your nails. You may think avoiding there area will help you to eliminate this problem. However, this is not true. Because nail fungus is not highly contagious between people. You can find fungus everywhere including floating in water, lodged in soil, even in the air. Many healthy people are exposed to different kind of fungus every day.
Always keep your nails clean and dry. Never allow moisture to remain under the nails. Do not pick at the skin around the nails, and wash your hands frequently. This will keep germs from breeding in and around the nail. Visit a reputable manicurist who uses sterilized instruments. Do not apply nail polish or artificial nails. All of these affords will help to cure it. Also, some treatments such as Claripro nail fungus treatment can give you a big help in just a few weeks!
More information related with Health Special Problem, please go to Health Treatment and Reviews
by: By Cherry Rivers
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cherry_Rivers
Top Options For Hemorrhoids Treatments
Therefore, in order to find the correct treatment you might want to know exactly what the reason is. In many cases this may be something as simple as constipation and straining when you are on the toilet. The simplest way to sort this out is usually to ensure that you receive adequate fiber into your own diet to assist you with your digestive system.
Also you can consider a laxative however, this will only sort the issue out in the short term and the issue might re-appear unless you are willing to invest in adjusting your eating habits to include enough fiber. Its also recommended to make sure that you are also obtaining plenty of essential fluids as this will assist to soften the stool and also ease its passing.
Generally men and women will also get hemorrhoids or piles solely just because that they do not sit down in the right position on the toilet and stay there for prolonged periods of time. This may also be related to difficulty with constipation if you do take a while on the toilet. It is important that you let the process occur normally and that you sit in the right position that does not place a strain on your rectal region.
There is also other fixative methods that one could take on if the problem becomes more difficult. The aim of these is always to minimize the blood supply to the piles that can cause them to shrink away as well as disappear. Such a task can include such things as placing elastic bands around the piles or a type of coagulation treatment that scars the tissue using heat or even a laser is often recommended.
Last of all, you can even be willing to try a surgical procedure to sort the condition if practically nothing else seems to work properly. This is the simplest way to handle large internal piles that are really creating a problem for you due to pain and comfort.
These are the various main treatments that you might consider.
Do you want to know how 72% of men and women got instant relief from their unbearable pain of thrombosed hemorrhoids in less than two weeks? Click here now to get the best solution that has surprised people constantly and have given them their life back.
by: By Randy Glynn Hutchings
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Randy_Glynn_Hutchings
Acupuncture and Phlegm in the Lungs
It's common this time of year for people to get sick with phlegm in their lungs. Chinese Medicine uses acupuncture, herbs, food therapy, and other treatments (like Gua Sha and Cupping) to knock the phlegm out, and help accelerate recovery. Having a chest cold is no picnic, as it can linger on for weeks if not treated properly.
element. The Five Elements are Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal. The lungs are associated with the Metal element. The Metal element is also associated with the color white and the spicy (or acrid) flavor. Many foods that benefit the lungs are white and/or spicy!
At the onset of a cold, a typical strategy would be to sweat it out. There are many Chinese herbs that are effective at causing this sweat, but if you can't get to an herbalist, you may be able to find foods in your kitchen that will get the job done.
When you first feel like you're getting sick, try this home remedy:
Add 3 slices of fresh ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, and 3 green onions (scallions) to a small pot of water and boil for 10-15 minutes. Pour off the liquid and stir in a small spoonful of miso paste. You may sprinkle with ground pepper if you'd like. Drink it warm, bundle up, and rest.
You may also find this spicy broth helpful if you feel phlegm in your chest.
You can also make it a point to include pears in your diet. They are very nourishing to the lungs, not to mention tasty!
What Not to Eat
Many foods can aggravate phlegm conditions. Some foods you may want to avoid when you have phlegm include: Orange Juice, heavy/greasy/fried foods, ice cream, sugar (that includes high fructose corn syrup, agave nectar, evaporated cane juice, etc), milk, processed foods, candy, etc.
When we are feeling sick, it is especially important to treat the body well. That means cutting the "junk food" out of our diets, and taking time to rest.
Antibiotics and Collateral Damage
Some people may take antibiotics to clear out their lungs, especially if the phlegm is infected. This is one of the most common treatments in the United States for this condition. The antibiotics may help clear up the phlegm, but they tend to come with a drawback.
Our relationship with bacteria is very complex and dynamic. Some bacteria are "bad" and harmful to us. For example, the bacteria that turns phlegm green are typically unwelcome. On the other side, though, are the "good" bacteria. These bacteria live in our intestines, symbiotically. They help us break down our food, produce vitamins, and take up space so "bad" bacteria can not flourish. When we take antibiotics, though, bacteria system wide is killed, which means that the "bad" bacteria in the lungs gets taken out, but there is also collateral damage to the "good" bacteria in the intestines. This can lead to digestive problems, low energy, and more "bad" bacteria taking over in the intestines after the phlegm is resolved.
It is because of all this collateral damage, that any time you finish taking antibiotics, you should supplement your "good" bacteria. This means taking a good quality probiotic supplement, and eating more foods that naturally promote or contain "good" bacteria, such as Yogurt, Keifer, miso, kim chee, etc.
Herbs and Acupuncture
Antibiotics are powerful, but their power is also a drawback. Overuse of antibiotics has been blamed for the creation of "super-bugs" that are very strong and dangerous, since they evolve to be resistant to antibiotic treatment. This is a relatively recent phenomenon, due to our increasing reliance on antibiotics as a sort of cure-all. It then becomes a race to make stronger antibiotics faster than the bacteria can evolve.
Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture have been in use for thousands of years, and have no history of causing "super-bugs" to develop. Chinese Medicine is a safe, gentle, and effective treatment for common cold and phlegm, with very few side effects. Many people have turned to Chinese Medicine as their first option when getting sick.
No matter what strategy you use to treat your phlegm, the sooner you address it the better. Timing is key for a quick recovery! If we take care of these problems as soon as they develop, they are resolved more quickly, and the sooner you can get back to your healthy, happy, phlegm-free life.
Author's Bio
Jeremy Cornish, LAc. is a Licensed Acupuncturist, and NCCAOM certified Herbologist. He is located in Naperville, IL, where he also teaches Qi Gong classes.
For more information or to contact: http://www.onecirclewellness.com
A Permanent Cure For Acid Reflux - Effective, Drug Free Treatment For Permanent Heartburn Relief
Imagine what it would be like to live a life completely free from the pain and distress that heartburn causes. Wouldn't you be prepared to try any reasonable course of action to get that permanent cure for acid reflux and make your heartburn a thing of the past? Well, if you adopt an open mind and are willing to take an alternative view of your problem, there is absolutely no reason why you cannot make your dream come true. This is no flight of fancy. In fact the treatment that will bring about this permanent heartburn relief is based on pure common sense.
Traditional medication such as antacids, alginates, H2 Blockers and Proton Pump Inhibitors all have one crucial failing, they only deal with the symptoms of your condition. You will certainly get relief from the pain but this relief is only temporary, because you are simply "masking" the symptoms of heartburn and not dealing with the underlying causes. Stop taking the medication and back will come your heartburn. So what is the alternative treatment that promises permanent relief from heartburn and the answer to our prayers?
Firstly you need to establish what causes your acid reflux to occur. If you do not know what causes it, how can you possibly cure it. Diet and lifestyle are major factors but there are numerous other possible causes, both physical and psychological. By establishing what factors trigger acid reflux and eliminating, avoiding or treating them, will create an extremely effective means to prevent your problem occurring again. If you should require some additional support, you have a wide range of totally natural remedies to choose from, that can also target the specific causes of your condition. That permanent cure is now in your grasp.
What you are actually doing is stimulating your body's own defences into action to combat the problem. This targeted approach will achieve a much more effective, long-term result that conventional medication will never do. Furthermore, as this treatment is completely natural and drug free, you will not suffer any of the well known, potentially serious side effects, that is a major concern with drug based medication.
So what about that permanent cure for acid reflux? If you can see the benefits of taking this totally natural, targeted approach to solving your problem, then you should investigate the astonishing success that the revolutionary new, "Heartburn No More" holistic program of treatment has achieved. By following the step by step guidance that this program offers, thousands of former sufferers are now living totally heartburn free lives.
Now you can make that dream come true.
All conventional treatments for acid reflux and heartburn are temporary because they treat the symptoms and not the root cause of the problem. So, if you want to successfully and permanently rid yourself of your heartburn then you must address all the factors that contribute to the problem i.e. you must treat it holistically.
A revolutionary new program does exactly that and in 5 unique steps shows you how to permanently cure your acid reflux.
Discover the only way to achieve permanent heartburn relief and lasting freedom from all your digestive disorders by visiting http://naturalremediesforheartburn.com/permanent-cure/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Rees
High Blood Pressure As One of the Leading Causes of Dementia
Imagine what it would be like to live a life completely free from the pain and distress that heartburn causes. Wouldn't you be prepared to try any reasonable course of action to get that permanent cure for acid reflux and make your heartburn a thing of the past? Well, if you adopt an open mind and are willing to take an alternative view of your problem, there is absolutely no reason why you cannot make your dream come true. This is no flight of fancy. In fact the treatment that will bring about this permanent heartburn relief is based on pure common sense.
Traditional medication such as antacids, alginates, H2 Blockers and Proton Pump Inhibitors all have one crucial failing, they only deal with the symptoms of your condition. You will certainly get relief from the pain but this relief is only temporary, because you are simply "masking" the symptoms of heartburn and not dealing with the underlying causes. Stop taking the medication and back will come your heartburn. So what is the alternative treatment that promises permanent relief from heartburn and the answer to our prayers?
Firstly you need to establish what causes your acid reflux to occur. If you do not know what causes it, how can you possibly cure it. Diet and lifestyle are major factors but there are numerous other possible causes, both physical and psychological. By establishing what factors trigger acid reflux and eliminating, avoiding or treating them, will create an extremely effective means to prevent your problem occurring again. If you should require some additional support, you have a wide range of totally natural remedies to choose from, that can also target the specific causes of your condition. That permanent cure is now in your grasp.
What you are actually doing is stimulating your body's own defences into action to combat the problem. This targeted approach will achieve a much more effective, long-term result that conventional medication will never do. Furthermore, as this treatment is completely natural and drug free, you will not suffer any of the well known, potentially serious side effects, that is a major concern with drug based medication.
So what about that permanent cure for acid reflux? If you can see the benefits of taking this totally natural, targeted approach to solving your problem, then you should investigate the astonishing success that the revolutionary new, "Heartburn No More" holistic program of treatment has achieved. By following the step by step guidance that this program offers, thousands of former sufferers are now living totally heartburn free lives.
Now you can make that dream come true.
All conventional treatments for acid reflux and heartburn are temporary because they treat the symptoms and not the root cause of the problem. So, if you want to successfully and permanently rid yourself of your heartburn then you must address all the factors that contribute to the problem i.e. you must treat it holistically.
A revolutionary new program does exactly that and in 5 unique steps shows you how to permanently cure your acid reflux.
Discover the only way to achieve permanent heartburn relief and lasting freedom from all your digestive disorders by visiting http://naturalremediesforheartburn.com/permanent-cure/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Rees
The H1N1 Virus is No Longer Headline News, But Still Persists
Scientists and government health officials were forecasting a third and more imminent wave of the swine flu that would occur in the first few months of the new year. Happily, this has not materialized. But if you google "H1N1 news" you will still find that there are still cases of the flu scattered over the globe. Some cases are fatal involving deaths and others are merely hospitalizations.
This all points out to the fact that the H1N1 virus has not yet been erased from our memory. Only half of the population of the US has taken the vaccine. Millions of dollars have been spent by governments in ensuring that there is adequate safeguard for the population at large. Vast amounts of resources such as makeshift clinics, advertising campaigns, revival of retired medical workers, have been consumed ad mobilized to fight the virus.
So has the government been successful in its efforts to combat the virus? Yes it has. Because if half the population has not had the urge to get the vaccine, then there has to be some faith in the way various governments have fought this battle.
The H1N1 virus is no longer front page news. But at the same time, there are still cases of H1N1 that are surfacing. The virus will not disappear as most people think it will, but it us just short-term hiatus.
Read about the latest developments regarding the H1N1 virus or 'swine flu' as it is also commonly known as. We are not out of the woods yet as there is still the possibility of future outbreaks.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mirak_Inariv
Kamis, 25 Februari 2010
Hemorrhoids Home Treatment - 3 Ways to Prevent and Cure Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids come because of strain on the blood vessels around the anus. This can happen during pregnancy, heavy lifting, during a time of constipation, or it can be a chronic condition.
For most sufferers, and we are told that nearly 50% of the adult population will get hemorrhoids at some time, hemorrhoids will come and go without major symptoms. For others it is not so easy - perhaps they will not treat the hemorrhoids soon enough and they will become serious - pain, bleeding, and anal leakage. Embarrassment enters in and the suffering becomes not only physical but emotional. The sufferer may feel he cannot properly clean himself and avoid company.
Always seek medical advice, but here are some tips for you. Practice these early and nip hemorrhoids in the bud.
1. If you are having trouble cleaning yourself, use Witch Hazel and pour a little on your toilet paper. This will not only help clean but Witch Hazel is an astringent which means it will help shrink the hemorrhoids. Witch Hazel is available for a couple of bucks at almost all pharmacy's.
2. Sitz Baths - get some Epsom Salts and dissolve 2 cups in a shallow bath of warm water (there are also attachments for your toilet). Sit in the water with your knees up to your chest so that your buttocks open and allow the water to soothe the hemorrhoids. Soak 10 to 20 minutes several times a day.
3. Increase fiber in your diet. This means vegetables and fruits - there is no better source. Begin by adding a red apple a day. There is not a truer saying than "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." Apples are a great source not only of fiber but also of the kinds of nutrients that will reinforce the blood vessels all over your body. The fiber will soften the stools, the nutrition will strengthen the vessels around the anus.
Remember to keep the area dry and clean and get that fiber up. Civilization has brought on many medical conditions in our lives and hemorrhoids is just one. Adding fiber and nutrients back into your diet goes a long way toward prevention of this painful, depressing condition. Seek your doctor's advice but effective home treatment of hemorrhoids is possible and is done all the time.
Get hemorrhoids out of your life with effective hemorrhoids home treatment. Take action at the earliest symptoms and avoid the pain and embarrassment that hemorrhoid sufferers endure. Visithttp://www.NaturalHemorrhoidTreatment.org for more tips and information to cure your hemorrhoids.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Renee_Pullman
How To Know H1N1 Cure
First came the hacking cough, coupled with sinus drainage which made our throats very sore causing swallowing difficulties. I suspect the sinus drainage was a contributing factor to the throat inflammation, but sipping non-acidic juices helped soothe our throats and made swallowing food a little easier.
Week 2
We started experiencing headaches, and sore muscles along with the sinus drainage and constant coughing which was getting worse. Add in several nights with not much sleep and you can imagine how fatigued we were.
Week 3
Our symptoms were worsening. We were feeling very rundown and exhausted, we had never-ending sinus drainage so bad now you needed to blow your nose every 5 or ten minutes, and chills one minute and sweating the next,breathing difficulties, and phlegm which required hacking and coughing to expel.
Week 4
Most of our symptoms were getting a little worse and some more frequent. Being in a warm bed at night slowed down the sinus drainage but the phlegm buildup was getting very bad. Phlegm so thick it would cause you to wake up several times at night gasping for air.
It's pretty scary when you can't breathe and have no idea what's happening to your body. Most phlegm you can cough-up and easily spit it out. This phlegm was very sticky and was extremely hard to clear and spit out.
Week 5
We started to fight the virus back because it was getting worse and we couldn't take it anymore. My wife is 57 and I am 66 and a virus can often cause other health problems which we didn't want. Especially the side effect called death.
Kill The Virus Before it Kills Us
We never take any OTC meds or prescription drugs but instead rely on the same natural remedies that have been used all over the world for many generations to kill viruses and solve other health problems.
The first thing we did in our fight against "the evil virus" was to take some "Oil of Oregano." Oil of Oregano is a very powerful antiviral which is natural and will help build up your immune system so you can fight this virus.
This virus has the potential to cause wide spread sickness and many deaths according to some medical establishment.
We knew using antibiotics will not cure a viral infection and infections related to the respiratory system are viral, so we needed to attack with natural antiviral products
Knowing that raw garlic is antiviral we went on attack. Garlic has been used for 100's of years to treat many health disorders and has no side effects. Well, besides chasing away your mate or vampires.
What We Did
All we did was chop up 8 fresh garlic cloves a day and each of us ate four before retiring for the evening.
The garlic was cut up into tiny little pieces so you didn't have to chew it. Using a teaspoon we put a small amount of garlic pieces in our mouths and had a little water to wash the garlic down.
It proved quite easy to do, and almost eliminated the breath odor by doing it this way.
Three Days
Was all it took to completely destroy the virus and take our former good health back. All symptoms completely disappeared and have not returned.
We can not say enough about this natural way we used to destroy this viral infection by using raw garlic. It quite possibly saved our lives.
William Lagadyn is a medical researcher and was the first person to unravel the mysteries of heartburn and acid reflux problems. His natural healing methods were first discovered over 20 years ago, and since that time he has helped 1000's of people completely solve their digestive problems. For more information on how to solve your digestive problems such as heartburn, acid reflux or GERD without the use of potentially dangerous drugs forever, please visit his website at http://www.cureyourheartburn.com
Copyright 2006-2007
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_Lagadyn
Selasa, 23 Februari 2010
How to Solve Oily Skin Problems
How to Solve Oily Skin Problems
Oily skin and hair are a source of great anxiety for many. It's easy to feel you're in a "no-win" situation, because the more you clear the oil, the worse it seems to get! That, funnily enough, is the secret to keeping oily skin under control.The human body is designed to keep everything in balance. Your system has its own standards, such as how much weight you should be carrying, or how dry your skin should be. If you attack those standards agressively, your system will panic and over-react to protect them.
So, for instance, if someone embarks on a very strict diet, their metabolism will drop. Likewise, if you use harsh products to remove every trace of oil from your skin, your system will over-compensate and produce even MORE oil.
If that's the key, you ask, why do so many cosmetic manufacturers make harsh products especially for oily skin? Because they sell, that's why! They are responding to what people instinctively want - products that will blitz the oil from their face. And, of course, if the products create more oil, why should the manufacturers worry? That means you have to buy more of their product!
My regime comes from a dermatologist who treated one of my friends for oily skin and severe pimples many years ago. The dermatologist's view was that the more we touch and tamper with the skin, the more oil it will produce - so his approach is to cut skincare back to the minimu needed for hygiene. And judging by my friend's skin, it really worked. I was so impressed, I've used the same routine myself ever since.
A Dermatologist's Prescription for Oily Skin Care
First of all, buy a pH balanced, water soluble cleanser. Neutrogena makes a good one. Or you could use a cleansing bar. Don't use a toner or astringent as they will only stimulate the production of oil.
Every evening:
* Apply your cleanser, massaging it over the face.
* Rinse the cleanser off thoroughly with cool or lukewarm water - 20 splashes at least (you can wipe most of it off with a clean washcloth first, if you prefer).
* Use an eye make-up remover on your eyes if necessary.
* Apply a little moisturiser on any dry areas, and dab some cream (e.g. Clearasil) on any spots.
In the morning, DO NOT CLEANSE. Your face hasn't got dirty overnight, so there's no need, and using cleanser or soap will only stimulate oil production. Plain water is enough to wash away sweat. Dunk your face under the shower (not too hot), splash it with water or wipe with a clean washcloth.
Everyone should use a sunscreen during the day. Look for one that is suitable for oily skin or claims to be non-comedogenic. If you use a foundation, you could choose one with a sunscreen built-in.
Please, don't use alcohol-based wipes (like Wet Ones) on your face. The alcohol will feel refreshing, but it will stimulate more oil. If you need to blot your face during the day, use a dry tissue or an alcohol-free baby wipe.
There's only one situation where anti-bacterial wipes should go anywhere near your face, and that's if you wear a hat. A hatband is a breeding ground for bacteria, so whenever you take your hat off, it's important to clean your forehead - so if soap and water is not available, use a wipe.
For make-up, it's fine to use products that claim to control oily shine. These don't remove the oil, only soak it up, so they won't cause an over-reaction. Oil control powders and mineral foundations are usually more effective than liquid foundations. If you don't like the powdery look, apply the powder then take a slightly damp washcloth or cotton wool and work across your face, pressing the cloth firmly against your skin (make sure you press, don't rub, or you'll just wipe it off).
Your oily skin may seem to get worse for the first few days, but it will settle down with this gentle treatment. And by the way, there are some skin conditions (like rosacea) which look like acne but are actually the result of very sensitive skin. Harsh treatment can make those conditions dramatically worse, so this regime will help them, too.
Pimples and Acne
If your oily skin comes with pimples (acne), there is one very gentle but very effective treatment that's worth trying - blue light phototherapy. Until recently you had to get this done at a salon, at around $100 a session. Now there are hand-held, at-home devices available.
The home versions aren't quite as powerful as the big salon machine - but on the other hand, you're able to give yourself treatments more often, so it evens out!
The blue light therapy is effective for simple pimples and for skin conditions like rosacea. In fact, it's very healing on the skin generally. Don't confuse it with red light phototherapy, which reduces wrinkles and sagging and improves hydration.
There is one important thing to bear in mind when the grease on your face is driving you to despair: because your skin is so well lubricated, you will still be gloriously wrinkle-free when your dry-skinned friends are starting to crinkle around the eyes and grow furrows between their brows. So you DO have something positive to look forward to!
source: http://hubpages.com
How to solve your skin problems
How to solve your skin problems
Reveal a healthy, gorgeous glow with our easy fixes for sun spots, stretch marks, scars and other nagging nuisances.Taking care of your skin is a little like playing a pop-up arcade game. The minute you squelch one eruption, a sun spot appears. And when that splotch fades, another mark shows up—uninvited. Yes, 84 percent of women have at least one complexion complaint, indicates a survey by Obagi Medical Products in Long Beach, California. Ready to take control of the action? These at-home tips, pro treatments and camouflaging how-tos will arm you with strategies to outsmart unwanted guests and get the smooth skin you deserve.
Skin saboteur: scars
Fibrous tissue that replaces normal skin after injury
Conceal! Wait until your scar has done some initial healing, which typically takes about a month. To camouflage a mark that is red, your best bet is to mix two concealers—one that matches your skin tone and one that's a few shades darker—and use a foundation brush to tap the concoction over the scar. For marks that are raised or textured, stick to matte powders (a new one: BareMinerals SPF 15 Matte Foundation, $28).
Conquer! Most scars are fully developed after six months, "but formation can occur until then, which is why marks change color from red to brown to white as they heal," says Joely Kaufman, M.D., a dermatologist in Miami. "You have a window of time of about three weeks to make any scarring less dramatic. Keeping the wound moist and covered for the first few weeks has been shown to speed healing for a less noticeable spot." Dab antibacterial ointment (such as Neosporin + Pain Relief Ointment, $6) on the area, then lock in hydration with a silicone bandage, which Kaufman says is particularly effective at healing thicker scars that typically itch.
source: http://shine.yahoo.com
Helping Your Teen With Acne
Skin Conditions: Teenage Acne
Acne is a skin problem that affects almost all teenagers. The condition results from the action of hormones on the skin's oil glands (sebaceous glands). The sebaceous glands make an oily substance called sebum that empties onto the skin surface through the hair follicle opening (pore). The mixture of oil and cells allows bacteria that normally live on the skin to grow in the follicle openings. When this happens, pores become clogged and pimples develop.
Pimples can be one of the following kinds:
- Comedones: Non-inflammatory papules that can be open (blackheads) or closed (whiteheads).
- Papules: Lesions that are inflamed and can be tender to the touch. These usually appear as small, pink bumps on the skin.
- Pustules (pimples): Lesions that are inflamed and filled with pus. They may be red at the base.
- Nodules: Solid lesions that are large, painful, and lodged deep within the skin.
- Cysts: Pus-filled lesions deep under the skin. These may cause scarring and pain.
In most cases, pimples occur on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders. Acne does not present a serious health risk, but severe acne can result in permanent scarring. In addition, acne can have significant physical and psychological consequences, such as causing a poor self-image, social inhibition, and anxiety.
Why Do Some People Get Acne and Others Don't?
It is not clear why some people are more prone to acne than others. The exact cause of acne is not known, but one important factor is an increase in male sex hormones called androgens. Androgens increase in both boys and girls during puberty. Androgens cause the sebaceous glands (oil glands) to get larger and produce more sebum. Androgens also can increase because of hormonal changes related to pregnancy or starting or stopping birth control pills.
Another factor in the cause of acne is genetics. Researchers believe that the tendency to develop acne can be inherited from parents. In addition, some drugs (for example, anti-epilepsy medication, prednisone, androgens and lithium) are known to cause acne. Cosmetics that have a greasy consistency may change the cells of the follicles, causing them to stick together and resulting in a plugged pore. Water-based products are less likely to cause acne.
Things that can make acne worse include:
- Friction caused by leaning on or rubbing the skin; harsh scrubbing
- Picking or squeezing blemishes
- Pressure from bike helmets, backpacks, or tight collars
- Changing hormone levels in adolescent girls and adult women two to seven days before the start of the menstrual period
- Stress
Other factors that were previously thought to make acne worse do not seem to have an effect on the development of acne. These factors include chocolate, greasy foods, and dirty skin.
What Does Acne Look Like?
Acne can appear as one of the following:
- Whiteheads: White dots that are pores impacted with oil and skin covered by skin layers.
- Blackheads: Black bumps that are impacted pores in which material pushes out through the follicles. The black color is not from dirt. It may be from bacteria and matter that react with oxygen.
- Papules, pustules or nodules: More serious lesions appearing red and swollen due to inflammation or infection of the tissue around the clogged follicles, which are often painful and feel hard.
- Cysts: Deep, painful, pus-filled lesions that can cause scarring.
- source: http://www.webmd.com
Get Rid Of Bad Breath Fast
Get Rid Of Bad Breath Fast
Nobody’s perfect! We often hear that phrase almost every day, if not every week. Whenever expectations are not being met properly, we usually hear this line. Every individual is constantly affected with diseases. Even the most perfect person in our eyes may be suffering from such physical imperfection in the form of bad breath.Bad breath or halitosis is the foul odor emanating from someone’s mouth. I simply call it the eternal stench. Rich or poor people are looking for ways on how to get rid of this foul odor in the fastest way possible. It is very important to know that not all people who suffer from bad breath are aware that they have it. So the swiftest way to find a cure for bad breath is to know if someone has it or not. Then that’s when all the possible remedies can be applied. Know that the problem exists and be ready to take the appropriate actions.
There are three ways to quickly cure bad breath. First is to conduct a Self Check. It is important to know that cupping one’s hand to smell one’s breath will not be enough.One has to do both the anterior and posterior check. The front most part of the tongue is what we call the anterior region. Now all you have to do is lick your hand or wrist. Let your saliva dry for about three to five minutes. What is important is that it is dry when you smell it. If the odor is foul, then you definitely have bad breath. The back most part of the tongue is obviously the posterior region. What you can do is to use a tongue cleaner or a spoon. Just scoop the white matter you are seeing on your tongue. This may gross you out but you really have to smell it. The truth always prevails. So once again, if the odor is very unpleasant, you have what some people have - a chronic case of bad breath.
Now that you already know your exact breath condition, it’s time to take pro-active actions and seek a bad breath remedy.
1. Diligently observe and maintain exemplary if not good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth three times a day. Floss everyday and use a mouthwash after brushing your teeth. It is best to buy a tooth brush that has a tongue cleaner. This will definitely ensure that there are no food particles stuck in between teeth or any white matter on your tongue that will promote the increase of bacteria.
2. Drink lots of water. You can substitute fresh fruits in the absence of water. Take note that a dry mouth is a source of bad breath. Water not just flushes food particles in your mouth, it also hydrates your mouth tissues.
3. If you really cannot avoid smoking, alcoholic drinks, coffee or food rich in exotic spices then you may use gum that is sugar free, mints and candies. You may want to capitalize on mouth sprays for immediate remedy. Please keep in mind that these products provide temporary relief. It does not solve the real cause of one’s halitosis.
The second fastest cure for bad breath is to consult your dentist. These experts are trained to check your teeth if they have cavities or plaque. They can also see if you have gingivitis which can be the main source of your bad breath. If your dentist cannot find anything wrong with your teeth and gums then he or she may refer you to a physician who can check on more serious conditions that may be causing your eternal stench.One major systemic cause is ketones. These are smelly chemicals that are excreted through perspiration, urine or exhaled breath. People who have diabetes, has inadequate carbohydrate intake or has been starving usually have ketones building up in their blood which causes his or her halitosis.
The third surest way to cure bad breath is a change in your diet. Studies show that food rich in protein can cause bad breath. The breakdown of protein in the mouth found in steaks, chicken and dairy products can definitely promote bad breath . You can also eat avocado since it has successfully eliminated bacteria causing bad breath.
There are really no shortcuts in improving one’s health. Health is indeed one’s treasure . A simple case of bad breath can mean a loss of opportunities to somebody who has it. It can also mean a loss of one’s valuable life. It’s never too late to take this thing for granted. Just follow the suggestions provided and your existence will surely be a breath of fresh air.
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source: http://stanford.wellsphere.com
The Diet Spreadsheet
Some random bits scribbled by Jeremy Zawodny
I was inspired to do this after reading The Hacker's Diet, which is packed full of useful information. But it's also fairly complex and requires a lot of reading. So I simplified it a bit, taking away only the most important points.
I did this partly because I wasn't sure it was going to work, so why invest a lot of effort up front? But I also realized that there was something about the core ideas that seemed irresistible. Everything else was icing on the cake.
Yesterday I mentioned that you'd need three new habits, one of which would be difficult. Here they are...
Eat Fewer Calories and Monitor Your Intake
I hate to make this sound simple but it is. There are 3,500 calories in every pound of fat. So if you eat an "extra" 250 calories every day (meaning 250 more than you use), you'll gain 2 pounds every month. That's 20 pounds a year. If you eat an extra 125 calories every day (a large banana or apple), that's 10 pounds per year. If you eat an extra 50 calories per day (half a tablespoon of creamy peanut butter), that's still 5 pounds you'll gain in a year.
Like I said yesterday, small changes have a big impact over time.
You can, as many people do, exercise to combat the effect of extra calories. But, honestly, that's a lot of work and takes a lot of time. For example, you'd need to spend an hour walking to burn off those 250 calories. Every day.
I'm not arguing against walking (I do it myself in the morning), but consider how much easier it is to simply not eat the ice cream bar in the first place. Spend a minute or two looking at the list of calories in various foods from the Hacker's Diet. Just give yourself an idea of how easy it is gobble down a bit too many.
Habit #1 is to record what you eat every day. For each meal, jot down the foods and their calorie counts. Then total them at the end of the day. Bonus points for keeping a running total throughout the day. We'll use this both for historical purposes and to help develop your sense of how much to eat every day.
In addition to reading your food packaging (pay special attention to the serving sizes), you can use any number of web sites to figure how roughly how many calories are in various foods. I've found that Calorie King is the best. You simply type the name of the food into their search box and click on the result that best matches. Then pick the quantity and they'll tell you how many calories you ate.
Record everything you eat. Even the little snacks and scraps. It all counts.
After you're comfortable doing this, it'll take you less than five minutes per day. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll know what your daily intake is.
More on that tomorrow.
Weigh Yourself Daily but Don't Obsess Over It
The other thing you need to do is weigh yourself every day. It's best to do this using the same scale and at the same time of day. I do it first thing in the morning, after I roll out of bed and hit the restroom.
You need to record this in the spreadsheet too. This is habit #2 and takes about 1 minute per day. We'll look at how to set this up tomorrow, but there is one important thing you need to know early on:
You must not judge your weight from day to day. Don't worry if it's a bit higher than yesterday, and don't get too excited of it's gone down by two pounds. The reality is that your weight will fluctuate by as much as 2-3 pounds from day to day for various reasons. We'll factor that out mathematically and focus on the long-term trend: loss, gain, or neutral.
Again, we'll look at the spreadsheet tomorrow. I'll provide a copy of mine from early on in my weight loss cycle.
Learn the Difference Between "Not Hungry" and "Full"
After thinking about why I always ate a bit too much, I finally realized it was a problem with my physiological empty/full gauge. If I eat until I feel "full" I've probably eaten too much. And, worse yet, I end up feeling sluggish for an hour or so after eating. You know, the "food coma."
Habit #3 is about resetting your notion of when to eat (or stop eating). The easiest way to say it is "eat when you're hungry, stop when you're not." Notice that this says nothing about feeling full.
This is the single most difficult thing to do. If you're like me, it means breaking 30 years worth of training your body. But after the first few weeks, you'll start to find that the "not hungry and not full" feeling starts to seem normal. If you keep a running tally of your food intake during the day (habit #1), that'll make it a lot easier to know when you should stop.
Once it starts to take hold, you'll be amazed at how powerful this is. You'll be able to look at the ice cream bar and say to yourself "that looks good, but I'm not hungry and... heck, it'd take over an hour of exercise to burn it off. It's just not worth it."
Closing Thoughts
Note that there's nothing in here about eating healthy. It's not necessary at all. You can get 1/4 of your daily calories from "junk food" if you'd like, but it will probably make this harder for a variety of reasons.
The first thing to focus on is how much you eat, not what you eat. Trying to change too many things at once is a recipe for failure. Once you have a handle on that, you can worry about tweaking what you eat. It can wait.
Another thing you'll find (as I did) is that the mere act of tracking what you eat and how much you weigh each day will make you much more aware of your eating habits. That alone will put you on the right track. You'll be far more conscious of those extra snacks you grab when you're not really hungry.
Once you've done it long enough, much of this becomes intuitive--especially the act of figuring out how many calories are in a meal. You'll find that you can glance at a plate of food and guesstimate to within 10% or so much of the time. That's a skill that'll serve you well when you go out to eat.
source: http://jeremy.zawodny.com
Diet Tips: How To Eat Less
Diet Tips: How To Eat Less
Some random bits scribbled by Jeremy ZawodnyToday's installment of the diet plan is a dose of tips I've learned that make it a bit easier to eat less without feeling hungry. So, without further delay, here are my collected tips. Feel free to add your own in the comments.
- Eat less. More often. Rather than eating large meals, chop up your eating into smaller portions throughout the day. I found myself eating 3 meals most days and having a snack around 3pm as well as another in the evening. That was enough to keep me from feeling hungry while still eating less in total.
- Don't eat right before going to bed. I've read this numerous times and don't get why it works, but it does. I set a limit of 3 hours. So I planned to go to bed at midnight, I wouldn't eat past 9pm.
- Brush your teeth early. For whatever reason, I won't eat when my teeth still feel clean. By brushing them several hours before bed, it was easier to accomplish #2.
- Kick the sugar habit. If you drink sugared soft drinks (I used to be a Mt. Dew and Coke fan), replace them either with their diet counterparts or water. This can make a very, very big difference.
- Eat vegetables before the main course. Whenever possible, I'd make sure to have an ample serving of a vegetable (you get very few calories for the amount you eat) before eating the denser main course--often a meat or fish. You'll need less of the dense stuff to be happy.
- Update your spreadsheet daily. Keeping a running count will help you ration out the rest of your daily calorie allowance, which we'll talk about tomorrow.
- Get used to leftovers. When you eat out, expect to take some of your meal home. If you eat standard restaurant portions, you'll almost certainly overeat.
- Shop with calories in mind. When you're at the grocery store, spends some extra time reading the labels and nutritional information. You'll probably end up changing your shopping habits along the way. You'd be surprised by the how widely the calorie counts in various granola bars varies, for example.
- Slow down! When you eat fast, you end up ingesting more food before you body has a chance to figure out that it's satisfied (not full).
- Drink more water during the day. This is fairly generic advice, but definitely seems to help.
- Trick yourself with gum. Sometimes we eat out of habit or because it just feels good to get some flavor in your mouth and chew for a while. Find yourself some sugar-free chewing gum and use it when the urge strikes.
- Reduce the amount of breads, chips, crackers, and salty snacks you eat. A lot of starchy and/or salty food make you want to eat and drink even more. This comes straight out of Atkins diet culture.
There are probably a few things I've forgotten that I'll remember after posting this. If so, I'll add 'em on later. Meanwhile, drop your suggestions below.
Tomorrow we'll get back to the spreadsheet and talk about setting goals.
source: http://jeremy.zawodny.com